Elena Leontjeva

The Lithuanian Free Market Institute


The Lithuanian Free Market Institute (LFMI) is a private non-profit non-partisan think tank founded in 1990 to promote the ideas of individual freedom and responsibility, free market, and limited government. 

Led by Elena Leontjeva, LFMI played a key role in creating legal and institutional foundations for Lithuania’s post-independence market economy and remains a leading voice in public and policy debates. LFMI conducts original research on key economic and social policy issues in Lithuania and the European Union. LFMI’s areas of expertise include property rights, the rule of law, taxes and public finances, competition policy, business and labour market regulation, social security, and healthcare. 

The institute also publishes regular studies, position notes and briefings, pairing them with extensive media appearances, roundtable discussions and conferences. LFMI has 15 full-time staff and several long-standing international think tank partnerships as a leading member of Atlas Network, EPICENTER Network and 4Liberty.eu. The LFMI ranks sixth among Central and Eastern European think tanks in the annual Global Go To Think Tank Index.