Luciano Stella

MUST & Partners

Founding Partner

Founder and CEO, Luciano Stella, founded MUST & Partners with Matteo Mussini in 2014.

Arriving in Brussels for an internship in 2004, Stella quickly found his way into the European Parliament, before starting consulting in 2010, when he became Partner of an Italian consulting firm and also took role as Country Director in Brussels. During this period, he oversaw the lobbying and public affairs strategies for a number of big-name clients.

In 2012, Stella founded European Project Advice (EPA), a consulting firm specialised in European funds planning and management. He also acted as consultant in European affairs for Risorse per Roma, IRBM Science Park research centre, and ANCI Associazione Nazionale Comuni Italiani.

Stella lectures on EU lobbying at the University of Salento, SIOI, LUMSA, Aforisma, Il Sole 24 Ore Business School and Confindustria. Chairman of IBN (Italian Business Network), an Italian association of Brussels-based young professionals.

He is Secretary General of TEA (TaxiEurope Alliance) and Member of the Executive Board of FEE (Forum d’Etudes Européennes) and GII (Gruppo d’Iniziativa Italiana). Stella speaks Italian, French and English.